Ah, the delightful genre of "child protagonist" games. There's something special about stepping into the shoes of a young hero or heroine, with all the fears, joys, and imagination of childhood. Players adore this genre not just for the nostalgia factor, but because it provides a unique perspective on the gaming world. Who else but a child would explore a creepy house at night, make friends with magical creatures, or cast spells with a twig and a bit of imagination? And lucky for you, we've rounded up the cream of the crop when it comes to child protagonist games. On this site, you'll find a carefully curated list of the very best offerings in this genre. From heartwarming tales of make-believe to thrilling adventures filled with danger and excitement, we've got you covered. So why not hop aboard this magical train and embark on an unforgettable journey with some of the most endearing child heroes in gaming history?

Games like Dragon Warrior Monsters

Dragon Warrior Monsters

  • License: n/a
  • Platforms: Switch, iPhone / iPad, Android
  • Release: 1998
  • Rating: 8.3/10

Games like ICO


  • License: n/a
  • Platforms: PS2, Console, PS3
  • Release: 2001
  • Rating: 8.3/10

Games like Bully


  • License: n/a
  • Platforms: PS2, Xbox 360, Console, PS4, iPhone / iPad, Wii, PC, PS3
  • Release: 2006
  • Rating: 8.2/10

Games like Pokemon Red Version

Pokemon Red Version

  • License: n/a
  • Platforms:
  • Release: 1998
  • Rating: 8/10

Games like Pokemon Blue Version

Pokemon Blue Version

  • License: n/a
  • Platforms:
  • Release: 1998
  • Rating: 8/10

Games like Monster Tale

Monster Tale

  • License: n/a
  • Platforms: DS, PS4, Switch
  • Release: 2011
  • Rating: 8/10

Games like Psychonauts


  • License: n/a
  • Platforms: PC, PS2, Xbox 360, Mac, Console, PS4, XSX, PS3, Xbox One
  • Release: 2005
  • Rating: 7.9/10

Games like A Boy and His Blob

A Boy and His Blob

  • License: n/a
  • Platforms: Console, 3DS, Wii, PS4, PC, Mac, iPhone / iPad, Switch, Android, Xbox One, PS3
  • Release: 2016
  • Rating: 7.8/10

Games like LostWinds


  • License: n/a
  • Platforms: iPhone / iPad, Wii, PC
  • Release: 2016
  • Rating: 7.4/10

Games like Little Kings Story

Little Kings Story

  • License: n/a
  • Platforms: Console, Wii, PC
  • Release: 2016
  • Rating: 7.3/10

Games like Fatal Frame

Fatal Frame

  • License: commercial
  • Platforms: Xbox 360, Console, PS2, PS3
  • Release: 2001
  • Rating: 7.2/10

Games like Heart of Darkness

Heart of Darkness

  • License: commercial
  • Platforms: PC, Console
  • Release: 1998
  • Rating: 7/10

Games like Violett


  • License: n/a
  • Platforms: PC, iPhone / iPad, Mac, Switch, PS4, Android
  • Release: 2013
  • Rating: 7/10

Games like Kid Chameleon

Kid Chameleon

  • License: n/a
  • Platforms: PC, iPhone / iPad, Mac, Android, Switch, Wii
  • Release: 1992
  • Rating: 7/10

Games like Commander Keen: Keen Dreams

Commander Keen: Keen Dreams

  • License: commercial
  • Platforms: Android, PC, Mac, Switch, Xbox One
  • Release: 1991
  • Rating: 6/10

Games like Monster House

Monster House

  • License: n/a
  • Platforms: PS2, DS
  • Release: 2006
  • Rating: 5.5/10

Games like Pokemon Yellow Version

Pokemon Yellow Version

  • License: n/a
  • Platforms:
  • Release: 1999
  • Rating: n/a

Games like Gurumin


  • License: commercial
  • Platforms: PC
  • Release: 2007
  • Rating: n/a

Games like Grow


  • License: commercial
  • Platforms: PC, Android
  • Release: 2011
  • Rating: n/a

Games like Okage


  • License: commercial
  • Platforms: PS2
  • Release: 2001
  • Rating: n/a